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1. 2012/11 -2016/11,第八届中国植物营养与肥料学会青年工作委员会副主任委员/秘书;第八届中国植物营养与肥料学学会新型肥料委员会委员

2. 2016/11-2022/8,第九届中国植物营养与肥料学会青年工作委员会副主任委员/秘书;第九届中国植物营养与肥料学学会新型肥料委员会委员

3. “CATENA”“Applied Soil Ecology” “Journal of Soils and Sediments”国际刊物审稿人


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目“不同施肥制度土壤有机碳矿化对温度的响应及微生物驱动机制”(31301843),2014-2016,主持

2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题“不同类型土壤中磷与土壤特性及生物学性状的匹配机制”(2017YFD0200201-6),2017-2021,主持

3. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费院级统筹项目“还原Fe(III)的聚酮化合物生物合成及化肥增效技术研究”,2020-2021,主持

4. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费基础研究引导计划重点项目“长期不同施肥土壤有机碳分解的温度敏感性及微生物响应机制研究” 2016-2019,主持

5. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费所级统筹项目“长期施用有机肥条件下农田旱地土壤真菌对氮素转化的贡献研究” 2012,主持

6. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费所级统筹项目“有机物料优化化学氮肥利用的调控效应与机理研究” 2009,主持

7. “Improving nutrient efficiency in major European food, feed and biofuel crops to reduce the negative environmental impact of crop production”(NUE-CROPS,Grant agreement No.: 222645),欧盟第七框架计划项目,2009-2015,项目骨干

8. “改善作物的养分利用效率,减低作物生产对环境的负面影响”(0912),科技部对欧盟国际合作专项资助项目,2009- 2012,项目骨干


1. “施肥制度与土壤可持续利用”北京市科学技术三等奖(2017年,第2位)

2. 一种腐植酸尿素及其制备方法(ZL201210086696.5),第十九届中国专利优秀奖(第7位)

3. 中国植物营养与肥料学会首届大北农硕士学位论文优秀指导教师(2017年)


1. Qiao, D., Li, J., … & Yang, X*. Controlled release fertilizer with temperature-responsive behavior coated by polyether polyol (PPG) / polycaprolactone (PCL) blend-based polyurethane performs smart nutrient release.  Materials Today Chemistry , 2022. (共同第一)

2. Wang, Y., Li, J., & Yang, X*. The diffusion model of nutrient release from membrane pore of controlled release fertilizer.  Environmental Technology & Innovation , 2022,25, 102256. (共同第一)

3. TIAN Chang, SUN Ming-xue, ZHOU Xuan, LI Juan, XIE Gui-xian, YANG Xiang-dong*, PENG Jian-wei. Increase in yield and nitrogen use efficiency of double rice with long-term application of controlled-release urea.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2022, 21(7): 2106–2118.

4. Wang, Y., Sun, M., Qiao, D., Li, J., Wang, Y., Liu, W., ... & Yang, X*. Graft copolymer of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and polyether polyol (CMC-g-TMN-450) improves the crosslinking degree of polyurethane for coated fertilizers with enhanced controlled release characteristics.  Carbohydrate Polymers , 2021, 272, 118483.

5. Li J, Wen Y, Yang X*. Understanding the Responses of Soil Bacterial Communities to Long-Term Fertilization Regimes Using DNA and RNA Sequencing.  Agronomy , 2021, 11(12): 2425.

6. Yan, S., Zhang, N., Li, J*., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Cao, M., & Yan, Q. Characterization of humic acids from original coal and its oxidization production. Scientific Reports , 2021, 11(1), 1-10. (通讯作者)

7. Yang, X., Feng, Y., Zhang, X., Sun, M., Qiao, D., Li, J*., & Li, X. Mineral soil conditioner requirement and ability to adjust soil acidity.  Scientific Reports , 2020, 10(1), 1-12. (通讯作者)

8. Li, J., Wen, Y., Li, X., Li, Y., Yang, X., Lin, Z., ... & Zhao, B. Soil labile organic carbon fractions and soil organic carbon stocks as affected by long-term organic and mineral fertilization regimes in the North China Plain.  Soil & Tillage Research , 2018, 175, 281-290.

9. Ren, Z., Li, J., Song, X., Zhang, J., Wang, W., Wang, X., ... & Jia, L. The regulation of inflammation and oxidative status against lung injury of residue polysaccharides by  Lentinula edodes .  International Journal of Biological Macromolecules . 2018. 106, 185-192. (共同第一)

10. Wei, Y., Li, J., Li, Y., Zhao, B., Zhang, L., Yang, X., & Chang, J. Research on permeability coefficient of a polyethylene controlled-release film coating for urea and relevant nutrient release pathways.  Polymer Testing , 2017, 59, 90-98.(共同第一)

11. Qi, R., Li, J., Lin, Z., Li, Z., Li, Y., Yang, X., ... & Zhao, B. Temperature effects on soil organic carbon, soil labile organic carbon fractions, and soil enzyme activities under long-term fertilization regimes.  Applied Soil Ecology , 2016, 102, 36-45.(共同第一)

12. Li Juan, Cooper Julia Mary, Lin Zhian, Li Yanting, Yang Xiangdong, Zhao Bingqiang. Soil microbial community structure and function are significantly affected by long-term organic and mineral fertilization regimes in the North China Plain.  Applied Soil Ecology , 2015, 96, 75-87.

13. Li Juan, Li Yanting, Yang Xiangdong, Zhang Jianjun, Lin Zhian, Zhao Bingqiang. Microbial community structure and functional metabolic diversity are associated with organic carbon availability in an agricultural soil.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2015, 14(12), 2500–2511.

14. 李娟, 王亚静, 陈月波, 顾典润, 林茹, 杨相东*. 聚合物包膜控释肥料膜壳累积、降解及对土壤质量影响的研究进展[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2022, 28(6): 1113–1121.

15. 张乃于,闫双堆,李娟*,王亚男,刘越,卜玉山. 低分子量有机酸对土壤磷组分影响的Meta分析[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2019,(共同通讯)

16. 戚瑞敏,温延臣,赵秉强,林治安,李志杰,李娟*. 长期不同施肥潮土活性有机氮库组分与酶活性对外源牛粪的响应[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2019, 25(8): 1265-1276. (通讯作者)

17. 唐继伟,李娟,车升国,徐久凯,田昌玉,林治安,赵秉强. 长期单施不同量化肥和有机肥后盐化潮土pH和EC的变化[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2019, 25(8): 1300-1307.(共同第一)

18. 戚瑞敏,赵秉强,李娟*,林治安,李燕婷,杨相东,李志杰. 添加牛粪对长期不同施肥潮土有机碳矿化的影响及激发效应[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(增刊2):118-127.(通讯作者)










