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1. 国家自然基金面上项目,高温胁迫响应转录因子 Po bZIPX调控糙皮侧耳耐高温的分子机制研究,2023-01至2026-12,主持。

2. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,高温胁迫下糙皮侧耳热激蛋白 Po Hsp104的功能研究,2017-01至2019-12,主持。

3. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目,可栽培食用菌野生资源监测规范标准化与数据整理,2021-01至2023-12,主持。

4. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项课题,秸秆转化真菌资源利用,2015-01至2019-12,主持。

5. 国家食用菌产业技术体系小宗种类食用菌栽培岗位,2021-01至2025-12,参加。

6. 吉林省重点研发计划项目,长白山松杉灵芝资源保育及林下栽培技术研究,2021-07至2024-06,参加。

7. 河北省重点研发计划项目,多抗、优质、高产灰树花种质资源搜集创新与新品种选育,2021-06至2023-12,参加。


1. Yuanyuan Zhou, Zihao Li, Haijun Zhang, Qingxiu Hu, Yajie Zou*. (2022) Potential uses of scallop shell powder as a substrate for the cultivation of king oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus eryngii ).  Horticulturae , 8: 333.

2. Fang Du#, Jibin Qu#, Qingxiu Hu*, Xufeng Yuan, Guanhong Yin, Li Wang, Yajie Zou*. (2021) Maximizing the value of  Korshinsk peashrub branches by the integration of  Pleurotus tuoliensis cultivation and anaerobic digestion of spent mushroom substrate.  Renewable Energy , 179: 679-686.

3. Yajie Zou#, Fang Du#, Qingxiu Hu*, Xufeng Yuan, Dari Dai, Mengjuan Zhu. (2020) Integration of  Pleurotus tuoliensis cultivation and biogas production for utilization of lignocellulosic biomass as well as its benefit evaluation.  Bioresource technology , 337: 124042.

4. Fang Du#, Yajie Zou#, Qingxiu Hu*, Huiying Zhang, Dou Ye. (2020) Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals molecular processes involved in pileus morphogenesis in  Pleurotus eryngii  under different light conditions.  Genomics , 112 (2): 1707-1715.

5. Fang Du#, Yajie Zou#, Qingxiu Hu*, Yunge Jing, Xiaohong Yang. (2019) Metabolic profiling of  Pleurotus tuoliensis during mycelium physiological maturation and exploration on a potential indicator of mycelial maturation.  Frontier in Microbiology , 9: 3274.

6. Yajie Zou, Fang Du, Haijiun, Qingxiu Hu*. (2019) Evaluation of Korshinsk peashrub (Caragana korshinskii Kom.) as a substrate for the cultivation of  Pleurotus eryngii .  Waste and Biomass Valorization , 10: 2879-2885.

7. Fang Du, Nu Er zi ya Ya Li maim ai ti, Qingxiu Hu*, Yajie Zou, Dou Ye, Haijun zhang. (2019) A comparative transcriptome analysis reveals physiological maturation properties of mycelia in  Pleurotus tuoliensis .  Genes , 10: 703.

8. Yajie Zou#, Fang Du#, Qingxiu Hu*, Hexiang Wang. (2019) The structural characterization of a polysaccharide exhibiting antitumor effect from  Pholiota  adiposa  mycelia.  Scientific Reports, 9: 1724.

9. Yajie Zou, Hexiang Wang, Jinxia Zhang*. (2019) A novel peroxidase from fresh fruiting bodies of the mushroom  Pleurotus pulmonarius .  International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics , 25: 1389-1396.

10. Yajie Zou, Meijing Zhang, Jibin Qu, Jinxia Zhang*. (2018) iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis reveals proteomic changes in mycelium of  Pleurotus ostreatus in response to heat stress and subsequent recovery.  Frontier in Microbiology , 9: 2368.

11. Xiaosha Luo, Xufeng Yuan, Shiyu Wang, Fanrong Sun, zhanshan Hou, Qingxiu Hu, Limei Zhai, Zongjun Cui Yajie Zou*. (2018) Methane production and characteristics of the microbial community in the co-digestion of spent mushroom substrate with dairy manure.  Bioresource Technology , 250: 611-620.

12. Yajie Zou, Fang Du, Haijun Zhang, Qingxiu Hu*. (2018) Selenium speciation and biological characteristics of selenium-rich Bailing mushroom, Pleurotus tuoliensis .  Emirates Journal of  Food and Agriculture , 30(8): 704-708.




E-mail: zouyajie@caas.cn
