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尧水红,女,博士,研究员,博士生导师,耕地质量保育创新团队青年助理首席。2008年毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所。长期从事农田土壤质量提升、土壤健康培育和生态安全预警等研究。在揭示土壤有机质形成与分解的生物物理机制,构建用养轮作体系健康菌群,创新养分高效利用与土壤健康保育技术方面取得重要进展,主持国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发计划子课题,院重大科研任务等10余项,在Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Geoderma和Advances in Agronomy等领域TOP期刊上发表论文40余篇,参编著作3部,申请专利4项。




澳客彩票研究生院土壤学科点点长;河海大学研究生合作培养基地负责人;长江大学兼职硕导;担任Soil and Tillage Research、Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,Science of the Total Environment、Frontiers in Microbiology、Geoderma、Land Degradation & Development等国际知名SCI期刊审稿人。


1. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,黄淮海冬养地作物多样性对轮作休耕土壤微生物群落演替的调控作用及机制,2021年-2024年。

2. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目课题,土壤有机质物理保护的矿物调控及模拟,2020年-2024年。

3. 国家重点研发计划绿肥专项子课题,黄淮海冬绿肥-夏作物节肥减排与养分流失控制技术, 2021年-2025年。

4. 国家重点研发计划黑土专项子课题,复合侵蚀对农田土壤水热过程的影响机制, 2021年-2024年。

5. 中国农科院重大科研任务大豆藏粮于技课题,大豆绿色高产高效及精准栽培,2020年-2024年。

6. 中国农科院所级重点科研任务,黄淮海麦豆轮作施肥制度对大豆固氮能力的调控作用研究,2021年-2023年


1. Yu S.T., Wang T.S., Meng Y.L., Yao S.H., Wang L., Zheng H.T., Zhou Y.Z., Song Z.W., Zhang B.*, 2022. Leguminous cover crops and soya increased soil fungal diversity and suppressed pathotrophs caused by continuous cereal cropping.  Front. Microbiol . 13:993214.

2. Xu Y.Z., Liu K., Yao S.H.,  Zhang Y.L., Zhang X.D., He H.B., Feng W.T., Ndzana G.M., Chenu C., Olk D.C., Mao J.D., Zhang B. *, 2022. Formation efficiency of soil organic matter from plant litter is governed by clay mineral type more than plant litter quality.  Geoderma, 412, 115727, 1-12.

3. Zhang F.T., Chen X., Yao S.H., Ye Y., Zhang B.⁎, 2022. Responses of soil mineral-associated and particulate organic carbon to carbon input: A meta-analysis.  Science of the Total Environment,  829, 154626,1-10.

4. Yue L.K., Wang Y., Wang L., Yao S.H., Cong C., Ren L.D., Zhang B. ⁎, 2021. Impacts of soil compaction and historical soybean variety growth on soil macropore structure.  Soil and Tillage Research, 214, 105166, 1-11.

5. Han Y., Yao S.H.,* Jiang H., Ge X.L., Zhang B., 2020. Effects of mixing maize straw with soil and placement depths on decomposition rates and products at two cold sites in the mollisol region of China.  Soil and Tillage Research , 197, 10451, 1-11.

6. Shi A.D., Zhou X., Yao S.H.,* Zhang B. 2020. Effects of intensities and cycles of heating on mineralization of organic matter and microbial community composition of a Mollisol under different land use types.  Geoderma, 357, 113941, 1-10.

7. Liu K., Xu Y.Z., Feng W.T., Zhang X.F., Yao S.H., Zhang B.,* ,2020. Modeling the dynamics of protected and primed organic carbon in soil and aggregates under constant soil moisture following litter incorporation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 151, 108039: 1-13.

8. Yao S.H., Zhang, Y.L.1, Han Y., Han X.Z., Mao, J.D., Zhang, B.*, 2019. Labile and recalcitrant components of organic matter of a Mollisol changed with land use and plant litter management: An advanced 13C NMR study. Science of the Total Environment, 66, 1-10.

9. Xu Y, Liu K, Han Y, Jiang H, Yao S.H., Zhang B.*, 2019. A soil texture manipulation doubled the priming effect following crop straw addition as estimated by two models.  Soil and Tillage Research, 186: 11-22.

10. Zhang Y.L., Yao S.H.1, Cao X.Y., Schmidt-Rohr K., Olk D.C., Mao J.D. *, Zhang B.*, 2018. Structural evidence for soil organic matter turnover following glucose addition and microbial controls over soil carbon change at different horizons of a Mollisol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry , 119: 63-73.



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