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 2003.9 ~ 2006.7 中国海洋大学,工学博士

 2000.9 ~ 2003.7 辽宁石油化工大学环境学院,工学硕士

 1996.9 ~ 2000.7 大连理工大学环境工程与环境科学学院,工学学士





“Land Degradation & Development (LDD)” 、“ Science of the Total Environment (STONE)”、“Environmental Science and Pollution Research(ESPR)” 等国际刊物的审稿人。


1. 十四五重点研发计划子课题“小麦-玉米轮作周年土壤多源氮素残留及液气两相转化迁移与调控机制” 2021年05月- 2025年 12月;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“有机碳介导下化肥氮在华北农田中固持转化的微生物调控机理(31972519)”,2020年01月- 2023年 12月;

3. 国家重点研发计划课题“北方主要农区农田氮磷淋溶时空规律与强度研究(2016YFD0800101)”,2016年1月-2020年12月;

4. 第二次全国污染源普查 “全国种植业氨气排放量普查”课题“黄淮海区农业源种植业氨气排放区域综合观测与大田原位监测”,2018年1月-2019年12月;

5. 青年科学基金项目“秸秆对我国北方设施菜地土壤硝态氮固持转化的作用机制(41301311)”,2014年1月-2016年12月;

6. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项“典型流域主要农业源污染物入湖负荷及防控技术研究与示范”课题1“典型流域农业源污染物入湖负荷研究(201303089-01)” 2013年1月-2017年12月;

7. 国家重大科技水专项“洱海流域农业面源污染综合防控技术体系研究与示范(2014ZX07105-001)”子课题“种养一体化农业废弃物循环利用技术体系研究”,2014年1月-2017年12月;

8. 公益性行业(农业)科技专项课题 “生物炭防治农业面源污染关键技术研究(201303095-10)” 2013年1月-2017年12月;

9. 国家外专局引智项目“养殖废弃物生物快速堆肥发酵技术示范推广(Y20140326001)”2014年;

10. 国家外专局引智项目“高效生物肥料生产工艺关键技术的引进(20120326022)” 2012年;


1.  “全国农田氮磷面源污染监测技术体系创建与应用” 2017年国家科学技术进步二等奖,排名第9;

2. “南方典型区域农业面源污染防控关键技术与应用” 2021年神农中华农业科技一等奖,排名第6;

3. “全国农田面源污染监测技术体系的创建与应用”2015年中华农业科技奖一等奖,排名11;

4. “农田面源氮磷流失监测及减排技术研究与应用”2015年北京市科技进步二等奖,排名第7;

5. “湖北省农田地表径流氮磷排放规律研究与防控技术应用”2015年 湖北省科技奖三等奖,排名第5;


(1) Chen AQ, Zhang D, Wang HY*, Cui RY, Khoshnevisan B, Guo SF, Wang PL, Liu HB. Shallow groundwater fluctuation: An ignored soil N loss pathway from cropland. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 828: 154554

(2) Cui RY, Zhang D, Liu GC, Wang PL, Chen AQ, Wang HY*. Shift of lakeshore cropland to buffer zones greatly reduced nitrogen loss from the soil profile caused by the interaction of lake water and shallow groundwater. Science of the Total Environment. 2022,803: 150093

(3) Fan B., Wang H*, Zhai L, Li J, Fenton O, Daly K, Lei Q, Wu S, & Liu H. Leached phosphorus apportionment and future management strategies across the main soil areas and cropping system types in northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 805.

(4) Zhang D, Wang P, Cui R, Yang H, Li G, Chen A, & Wang H*. Electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen as predictors of nitrate concentrations in shallow groundwater in Erhai Lake region. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 802.

(5) Bashir MA, Wang H#, Pan J, Khoshnevisan B, Sun W, Zhai L, Zhang X, Wang N, Rehim A, & Liu H. Variations in soil nutrient dynamics and their composition in rice under integrated rice-crab co-culture system. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 281(125222).

(6) Bashir MA, Wang H*, Sun W, Zhai L, Zhang X, Wang N, Rehim, A, Raza, Q, & Liu H. The implementation of rice-crab co-culture system to ensure cleaner rice and farm production. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 316: 128284.

(7) Tan G, Wang H*, Xu N, Junaid M, Liu H, & Zhai L. Effects of biochar application with fertilizer on soil microbial biomass and greenhouse gas emissions in a peanut cropping system. Environmental Technology, 2021, 42(1): 9-19.

(8) Zhang D#, Ng EL#, Hu W#, Wang H#, Galaviz P, Yang H, Sun W, Li C, Ma X, Fu B, Zhao P, Zhang F, Jin S, Zhou M, Du L, Peng C, Zhang X, Xu, X B, Liu X, Sun S, Cheng Z, Jiang L, Wang Y, Gong L, Kou C, Li, Ma Y, Huang D, Zhu J, Yao J, Lin C, Qin S, Zhou L, He B, Chen D, Li H, Zhai L, Lei Q, Wu S, Zhang Y, Pan J, Gu B, Liu H. Plastic pollution in croplands threatens long-term food security. Global Change Biology, 2020, 00:1–12.

(9) Gai X, Liu H, Liu J, Zhai L, Wang H*, Yang B, Ren T, Wu S, Lei Q. Contrasting impacts of long-term application of manure and crop straw on residual nitrate-N along the soil profile in the North China Plain. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 650: 2251-2259.

(10) Yang JH, Liu T, Liu HB, Zhai LM, Wang M, Du YG, Chen YX, Yang C, Xiao HN, Wang HY*. Dimethylolurea as a Novel Slow-Release Nitrogen Source for Nitrogen Leaching Mitigation and Crop Production. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019,  67:7616−7625

(11) Yang JH, Liu T, Liu HB, Zhang D, Zhai LM, Liu J, Wang M, Chen YX, Cheng BY, Wang HY*. Biodegradable PASP can effectively inhibit nitrification,moderate NH3 emission, and promote crop yield. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science . 2019,65(9): 1273-1286

(12) Gai X, Liu H, Liu J, Zhai L, Yang B, Wu S, Ren T, Lei Q, Wang H*. Long-term benefits of combining chemical fertilizer and manure applications on crop yields and soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 208: 384-392.

(13) Li J, Liu H, Wang H*, Luo J, Zhang X, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Zhai L, Lei Q, Ren T, Li Y, Bashir M. Managing irrigation and fertilization for the sustainable cultivation of greenhouse vegetables. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 210: 354-363.

(14) Gai X, Liu H, Zhai L, Wu S, Wang H*. Changes of vegetable yields, soil chemical properties and microbial biomass to mid-term additions of organic and mineral fertilizer in South China. Acta Horticulturae, 2018, 1192, 155-168.

(15) Wang H, Zhang D, Zhang Y, Zhai L, Yin B, Zhou F, Geng Y, Pan J, Luo J, Gu B, Liu H*. 2018. Ammonia emissions from paddy fields are underestimated in China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 235: 482-488.

(16) Zhang T, Liu H, Luo J, Wang H*, Zhai L, Geng Y, Zhang Y, Li J, Lei Q, Bashir M A, Wu S, Lindsey S. Long-term manure application increased greenhouse gas emissions but had no effect on ammonia volatilization in a Northern China upland field. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 633: 230-239.

(17) Tan G, Wang H*, Xu N*, Liu H, Zhai L. Biochar amendment with fertilizers increases peanut N uptake, alleviates soil N2O emissions without affecting NH3 volatilization in field experiments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 8817-8826.

(18) Zhang Y#, Wang H#, Lei Q, Luo J, Lindsey S, Zhang J, Zhai L, Wu S, Zhang J, Liu X, Ren T, Liu H*. Optimizing the nitrogen application rate for maize and wheat based on yield and environment on the Northern China Plain. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 618: 1173-1183.

(19) Zhang D#, Wang H#, Pan J, Luo J, Liu J, Gu B, Liu S, Zhai L, Lindsey S, Zhang Y, Lei Q, Wu S, Pete Smith*, Liu H*. Nitrogen application rates need to be reduced for half of the rice paddy fields in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2018, 265: 8–14.

(20) Wang H, Zhang Y, Chen A, Liu H, Zhai L, Lei B, Ren T. An optimal regional nitrogen application threshold for wheat in the North China Plain considering yield and environmental effects. Field Crops Research, 2017, 207: 52-61.

(21) Zhang T, Chen A, Liu J, Liu H, Lei B, Zhai L, Zhang D, Wang H*. Cropping systems affect paddy soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks (in rice-garlic and rice-fava systems) in temperate region of southern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 609: 1640-1649.

(22) Gai X, Liu H, Zhai L, Tan G, Liu J, Ren T, Wang H*. Vegetable yields and soil biochemical properties as influenced by fertilization in Southern China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2016, 107(11): 170-181.

(23) Xu N, Tan G, Wang H*, Gai X. Effect of biochar additions to soil on nitrogen leaching, microbial biomass and bacterial community structure. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2016, 74: 1-8.

(24) Zhang D, Liu H, Hu W, Qin X, Ma X, Yan C, Wang H*. The status and distribution characteristics of residual mulching film in Xinjiang, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016, 15(7): 60345-60347.

(25) Xu N, Zhang B, Tan G, Li J, Wang H*. Influence of biochar on sorption, leaching and dissipation of bisphenol A and 17a-ethynylestradiol in soil. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2015, 17(10):1701-1860.

(26) Wang H, Liu S, Zhai L, Zhang J, Ren T, Fan B, Liu H*. Preparation and utilization of phosphate biofertilizers using agricultural waste. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 14(1): 158-167.

(27) 刘泰, 王洪媛, 杨波, 魏静, 贺鹏程, 王玉龙, 刘宏斌. 粪肥增施对水稻产量和氮素利用效率的影响. 农业资源与环境学报. 2022, 39(3): 545-555.

(28) 耿宇聪, 张涛, 王洪媛*, 李俊改, 翟丽梅, 杨波, 刘宏斌. 不同形态猪粪储用过程的气态氮损失特征. 农业环境科学学报, 2021, 40(08): 1818-1828.

(29) 骆晓声, 寇长林, 王小非, 李太魁, 王洪媛*. 施氮量对潮土区冬小麦-夏玉米轮作农田氮磷淋溶的影响. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2021, 29(01): 29-37.

(30) 马林, 王洪媛, 刘刚, 胡克林, 梁超, 杜连凤, 郭胜利, 柏兆海, 王凤花, 李晓欣, 王仕琴, 胡春胜. 中国北方农田氮磷淋溶损失污染与防控机制. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2021, 29(01): 1-10.

(31) 王洪媛, 李俊改, 樊秉乾, 骆晓声, 彭畅, 翟丽梅, 李虎, 马林, 刘宏斌. 中国北方主要农区农田氮磷淋溶特征与时空规律中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2021, 29(01): 11-18.

(32) 张怡彬, 李俊改, 王震, 戴孚岳, 翟丽梅, 杨波, 王洪媛*, 刘宏斌. 有机替代下华北平原旱地农田氨挥发的年际减排特征植物营养与肥料学报, 2021, 27(01): 1-11.

(33) 盖霞普,刘宏斌,杨波,王洪媛*,翟丽梅,雷秋良,武淑霞,任天志. 不同施肥年限下作物产量及土壤碳氮库容对增施有机物料的响应. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(4): 676-689.


(1) 刘宏斌,陈安强,王洪媛,雷宝坤,张亦涛,翟丽梅,武淑霞,胡万里,毛妍婷. 一种基于区域尺度旱地作物氮投入环境阈值的确定方法. 中国,ZL201510654696.4

(2) 刘宏斌,杨晋辉,王洪媛,陈艳雪,翟丽梅,刘申,陈秉翼. 生物炭基聚天冬氨酸缓释尿素、其制备方法及应用. 中国,ZL201410026050.7

(3) 一种农田面源污染县域地下淋溶总氮排放量的预测方法,刘申,王洪媛,翟丽梅,刘宏斌,雷秋良,武淑霞. ZL 2015 1 0142611.4 (授权公告日2018-02-23)。

(4) 范丙全,王洪媛. 一种木质纤维素降解菌及其应用.中国,201010290141.3.

(5) 刘宏斌,邹国元,王洪媛,翟丽梅,杜连凤,习斌,薛南军,左强,刘宝存. 一种具有可塑边界的地下淋溶原位收集装置. 2015.09.09,中国,ZL201310276395.3

(6) 王洪媛、刘宏斌、翟丽梅、潘君廷、雷秋良、武淑霞、杨波、李博中. 一种双孢菇基质发酵装置. 2016.06.22, 中国,ZL201620043054.0


(1) 农业行业标准《畜禽粪便食用菌基质化利用技术规范NY/T3828-2020》

(2) 农业行业标准《设施菜地敞棚休闲期硝酸盐污染防控技术规范NY/T3671-2020》

(3) 农业行业标准《密集养殖区畜禽粪便收集站建设技术规范 NY/T3670-2020》

(4) 农业行业标准《农业面源污染综合防控技术规范 第3部分:云贵高原 NY/T3821.3-2020》

(5) 2021年农业主推技术“农业废弃物食用菌基质和利用技术”农办科[2021]18号





