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1. 国家重大研发计划项目课题“绿色缓控释和稳定性肥料高效施用技术与效应评价”(2022YFD1700605,2022-2026);

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:长期秸秆还田对华北潮土氮素生物转化的影响及其机理(31272245,2013-2016);

3. 国家重大研发计划项目子课题“大豆养分推荐方法与限量标准”(2016YFD0200102, 2016-2020);

4. 国家重大研发计划项目子课题“大豆及花生养分管理系统建立与示范”(2018YFD0201001-6,2018-2020);

5. 973计划项目子课题“秸秆分解中微生物的演化与作用”(2013CB12740402,2013-2017);

6. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金“长期不同施肥措施影响秸秆分解的微生物机制”(2015-1,2015);

7. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金“华北集约化农田长期氮肥减施对作物持续高产和氮素供应的影响"(202-1,2012);

8. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金“基于Nmin和相对SPAD值的夏玉米氮肥推荐指标研究”(2010-10,2010)。


1. Zhao SC, Xu XP, Qiu SJ, He P *. Response of wheat and maize yields to different tillage practices across China: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Agronomy. 2023,12.

2. Wang XY, He P, Xu XP, Qiu SJ, Zhao SC*. Characteristics of rice straw decomposition and bacterial community succession for 2 consecutive years in a paddy field in southeastern China. Scientific Reports. 2022,12, 20893.

3. Wang XY, Duan Y, Zhang J, Ciampitti IA, Cui JW, Qiu SJ, Xu XP, Zhao SC*, He P. Response of potato yield, soil chemical and microbial properties to different rotation sequences of green manure- potato cropping in north China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2022, 217,105273.

4. Wang XY, Li YJ, Ciampitti IA, He P, Xu XP, Qiu SJ, Zhao SC*. Response of soil denitrification potential and community composition of denitrifying bacterial to different rates of straw return in north- central China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 170, 104312.

5. Wang XY, Lv JL, He P, Ciampitti IA, Qiu SJ, Xu XP, Zhao SC*. Nutrient uptake behavior of peanut under optimum fertilization management in China. Crop Science, 2021, 61, 4344–4351.

6. Zhao SC, Fan FL, Qiu SJ, Xu XP, He P*, Ciampitti IA. Dynamic of fungal community composition during maize residue decomposition process in north-central China. Applied Soil Ecology, 2021, 167, 104057.

7. Zhao SC, Ciampitti IA, Qiu SJ, Xu XP, He P*. Characteristic of maize residue decomposition and succession in the bacterial community during decomposition in northeast China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2021, 20(12), 3289–3298.

8. Zhao SC, Lv JL, Xu XP, Lin XM, Rosso LM, Qiu SJ, Ciampitti IA, He P*. Peanut yield, nutrient uptake and requirements in different regions of China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2021, 20(9), 2502–2511.

9. Zhao SC*, Schwalbert R, Lin XM, Xu XP, Ciampitti IA. Spatial variation of seed yield, yield response, and nutrient requirements for soybean in northeast China. Crop Science, 2020, 61,1349–1359.

10. Zhao SC, Xu X, Wei D, Lin XM, Qiu SJ, Ciampitti IA, He P*. Soybean yield, nutrient uptake and stoichiometry under different climate regions of northeast China. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 8431.

11. Zhao SC, Qiu SJ, Xu XP, Ciampitti IA, Zhang SQ, He P*. Change in straw decomposition rate and soil microbial community composition after straw addition in different long-term fertilization soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 2019, 138, 123–133.(88次)

12. Zhao SC, Huang SW, Qiu SJ, He P*. Response of soil organic carbon fractions to increasing rates of crop residues return in a wheat-maize cropping system in north-central China. Soil Research, 2018, 56(8), 856–864.

13. Zhao SC, Qiu SJ, He P*. Changes of heavy metals in soil and wheat grain under long-term environmental impact and fertilization practices in north China. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2018, 41,1970–1979.

14. Zhao SC*, Zhang SQ. Linkages between straw decomposition rate and the change in microbial fractions and extracellular enzyme activities in soils under different long-term fertilization treatments. PLOS ONE, 2018, 0202660.

15. Zhao SC, Li KJ, Zhou W, Qiu SJ, Huang SW, He P*. Changes in soil microbial community, enzyme activities and organic matter fractions under long-term straw return in north-central China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2016, 216, 82–88.

16. Zhao SC, Qiu SJ, Cao CY, Zheng CL, Zhou W, He P*. Responses of soil properties, microbial community and crop yields to various rates of nitrogen fertilization in a wheat–maize cropping system in north-central China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2014, 194, 29–37.

17. Zhao SC, He P*, Qiu SJ, Jia LL, Liu MC, Jin JY. Long-term effects of potassium fertilization and straw return on soil potassium levels and crop yields in north-central China. Field Crops Research, 2014, 169, 116–122.

18. 吕继龙,何萍,魏丹,仇少君,徐新朋,赵士诚*. 大豆养分专家系统在我国大豆主产区的应用与评价. 植物营养与肥料学报,2021, 27(2), 243–252.

19. 王西亚,吕继龙,何萍,范分良,仇少君,徐新朋,赵士诚*. 玉米秸秆分解过程中细菌群落组成演化特征. 植物营养与肥料学报,2021, 27(1), 45–53.

20. 吕继龙,何萍,徐新朋,魏丹,仇少君,赵士诚*. 我国大豆最佳施肥量和种植密度评价. 中国土壤与肥料, 2020, 6, 174–180.

21. 唐治喜,高菊生,宋阿琳,王恩召,易可可,赵士诚*,范分良*. 用宏基因组学方法研究绿肥对水稻根际微生物磷循环功能基因的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2020, 26(9), 1578–1590.

22. 赵士诚,曹彩云,李科江,仇少君,周卫,何萍. 长期秸秆还田对华北潮土肥力,氮库组成及作物产量的影响. 植物与肥料学报,2014,40, 1441–1449.


1. 《基于产量反应与农学效率的作物推荐施肥方法》. 2018,科学出版社(参编)。

2. 《养分资源高效利用机理与途径》. 科学出版社. 2018(参编).

3. 《肥料养分推荐原理及应用》. 科学出版社. 2021(参编).





