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高懋芳,山东人,博士,农业遥感创新团队青年首席,副研究员,硕士生导师。主要从事农业定量遥感、植被荧光遥感、农业干旱监测、雷达土壤水分反演、遥感与作物模型同化、碳氮循环模拟等研究工作。曾赴美国、法国、澳大利亚、新西兰、英国、希腊、意大利、日本、斯里兰卡等国留学和访问。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、国际合作项目、973计划子课题、航天五院应用示范项目、基础研究引导重点项目等。在Journal of Cleaner Production、Remote Sensing of Environment、Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment、Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、International Journal of Remote Sensing、中国农业科学、农业工程学报等杂志发表中英文学术论文70余篇。担任Remote Sensing of Environment、ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing、Science of the Total Environment、IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment、Computers and Electronics in Agriculture等杂志评审专家。


2008.9 - 2011.6 澳客彩票研究生院,农业遥感专业,博士

2003.9 - 2006.6 南京大学,地图学与地理信息系统专业,硕士

2000.9 - 2003.7 吉林大学,计算机网络与信息专业,辅修

1999.9 - 2003.7 东北师范大学,地理科学专业,本科


2017.6 – 2017.8 澳大利亚墨尔本大学,访问学者

2016.6 - 2016.7 法国斯特拉斯堡大学,访问学者

2015.12 - 至今澳客彩票,副研究员

2013.12 - 2015.1 美国新罕布什尔大学,博士后

2009.7- 2015.12 澳客彩票,助理研究员

2006.7 - 2009.6 澳客彩票,研究实习员


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,耦合遥感与作物生长模型的农业干旱预警研究,41871282,2019-2022

2. 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,一带一路发展中国家农业遥感监测培训,42042005,2020

3. 973计划子课题,项目名称:典型流域陆地生态系统-大气碳氮气体交换关键过程、规律与调控原理,2012CB417100,2012-2016

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,农田排水沟渠对面源氮素污染物的去除机制研究,41201508,2013-2015

5. 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,全球DNDC模型研究网络2013年国际研讨会,41310304035,2013


[1] Qiang Li, Maofang Gao*, Jianguo Li, Carbon Emissions Inventory of Farm Size Pig Husbandry Combining Manure-DNDC Model and IPCC Coefficient Methodology, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 320, 20 October 2021, 128854

[2] Tianli Wang, Maofang Gao*, Chunling Cao, Jiong You, Xiwang Zhang, and Lanzhi Shen, Winter wheat chlorophyll content retrieval based on machine learning using in situ hyperspectral data, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 193 (2022) 106728

[3] Shilei Li, Maofang Gao*, ZL Li, Sibo Duan, Pei Leng, Uncertainty analysis of SVD-based spaceborne far–red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence retrieval using TanSat satellite data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 103, 1 December 2021, 102517

[4] Chunling Cao, Tianli Wang, Maofang Gao*, Yang Li, Dandan Li, Huijie Zhang*, Hyperspectral Inversion of Nitrogen Content in Maize Leaves Based on Different Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 190 (2021) 106461

[5] Qian Pan, Maofang Gao*, Pingbo Wu, Jingwen Yan and Shilei Li, A Deep-Learning-Based Approach for Wheat Yellow Rust Disease Recognition from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, SENSORS, 2021, 21, 6540

[6] Ya Gao, Maofang Gao*, Liguo Wang and Offer Rozenstein, Soil Moisture Retrieval Over a Vegetation-Covered Area Using ALOS-2 L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 3894

[7] Shilei Li, Maofang Gao* and ZL Li, Retrieving Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from Hyperspectral Data with TanSat Satellite. Sensors 2021, 21, 4886

[8] Ya Gao, Maofang Gao*, Bolormaa Damdinsuren, Munkhzul Dorjsuren, Early drought warning based on chlorophyll fluorescence and normalized difference vegetation index in Xilingol League of China, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 15(3), 032208 (2021)

[9] Shilei Li, Fangjie Li, Maofang Gao*, ZL Li, Pei Leng, Si-Bo Duan and Jianqiang Ren, A New Method for Winter Wheat Mapping Based on Spectral Reconstruction Technology. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13, 1810

[10] Zefeng Xing, ZL Li*, Si-Bo Duan, Xiangyang Liu, Xiaopo Zheng, Pei Leng, Maofang Gao, Xia Zhang, Guofei Shang, Estimation of daily mean land surface temperature at global scale using pairs of daytime and nighttime MODIS instantaneous observations, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 178 (2021) 51–67

[11] Yanru Yu, Si-Bo Duan, Zhaoliang Li, Sheng Chang, Zefeng XING, Pei Leng, Maofang Gao, Interannual Spatiotemporal Variations of Land Surface Temperature in China From 2003 to 2018, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 14, pp. 1783-1795, 2021

[12] Qianyu Liao, Pei Leng, ZL Li, Chao Ren, Ya-Yong Sun, Maofang Gao, Sibo Duan, Guofei Shang, A method for deriving relative humidity from MODIS data under all-sky conditions, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3036248

[13] Si-Bo Duan, ZL Li*, Wei Zhao, Penghai Wu, Cheng Huang, Xiao-Jing Han, Maofang Gao, Pei Leng & Guofei Shang, Validation of Landsat land surface temperature product in the conterminous United States using in situ measurements from SURFRAD, ARM, and NDBC sites, International Journal of Digital Earth, 14:5, 640-660, DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2020.1862319

[14] Xiaolin Zhu, Sibo Duan, ZL Li, Wei Zhao, Hua Wu, Pei Leng, Maofang Gao, Xiaoming Zhou, Retrieval of land surface temperature with topographic effect correction from Landsat 8 thermal infrared data in mountainous areas, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2020.3030900

[15] Zefeng Xing, Yanru Yu, Si-Bo Duan, ZL Li*, Maofang Gao, Pei Leng, Xia Zhang, Guofei Shang*, Modeling Year-to-Year Variations of Clear-Sky Land Surface Temperature Using Aqua/MODIS Data, IEEE Access, VOLUME 8, 2020, 114541-114553

[16] Si-Bo Duan, ZL Li*, Caixia Gao, Wei Zhao, Hua Wu, Yonggang Qian, Pei Leng, and Maofang Gao, Influence of adjacency effect on high-spatial-1 resolution thermal infrared imagery: Implication for radiative transfer simulation and land surface temperature retrieval, Remote Sensing of Environment, 245(2020)111852, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.111852

[17] Qianyu Liao, Pei Leng*, Chao Ren, ZL Li, Maofang Gao, Sibo Duan, Xia Zhang, and Guofei Shang, Evapotranspiration retrieval under different aridity conditions over North American grasslands, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, VOL. 58, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2020, 7205-7215

[18] Si-Bo Duan, Xiao-Jing Han, Cheng Huang, ZL Li*, Hua Wu, Yonggang Qian, Maofang Gao and Pei Leng, Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions, Remote Sensing 2020, 12(16), 2573

[19] Lanzhi Shen, Maofang Gao*, Jingwen Yan, ZL Li, Pei Leng, Qiang Yang and Sibo Duan, Hyperspectral Estimation of Soil Organic Matter Content using Different Spectral Preprocessing Techniques and PLSR Method. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 1206

[20] Jingjing Yang, Si-Bo Duan*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Penghai Wu, Cheng Huang, Pei Leng and Maofang Gao. Evaluation of Seven Atmospheric Profiles from Reanalysis and Satellite-Derived Products: Implication for Single-Channel Land Surface Temperature Retrieval. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 791

[21] Xiaopo Zheng, Maofang Gao, ZL Li*, Kun-Shan Chen, Xia Zhang, Guofei Shang*, Impact of 3-D Structures and Their Radiation on Thermal Infrared Measurements in Urban Areas, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, VOL. 58, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2020, 8412-8426

[22] Maofang Gao*, ZL Li*, Sanchao Liu, Ya Gao, Pei Leng & Sibo Duan (2019) Drought loss assessment combining remote sensing and a crop growth model for maize in Yunnan Province, China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40:5-6, 2151-2165, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1519291

[23] Shuting Zhang, Si-Bo Duan*, ZL Li, Cheng Huang, Hua Wu, Xiao-Jing Han, Pei Leng, and Maofang Gao. Improvement of Split-Window Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Sentinel-3A SLSTR Data Over Barren Surfaces Using ASTER GED Product. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11, 3025

[24] Pei Leng, ZL Li, Qian-Yu Liao, Mao-Fang Gao, Si-Bo Duan, Xia Zhang, Guo-Fei Shang⁎, 2019, Determination of all-sky surface soil moisture at fine spatial resolution, Journal of Hydrology, 579 (2019) 124167

[25] Pei Leng, Qian-Yu Liao, Mao-Fang Gao, Si-Bo Duan, ZL Li*, Xia Zhang, Guo-Fei Shang*, A full satellite-driven method for the retrieval of clear sky evapotranspiration, Earth and Space Science, 2019, 10.1029/2019EA000869

[26] Wenhui Du, Zhihao Qin*, Jinlong Fan*, Maofang Gao, Fei Wang and Bilawal Abbasi, An Efficient Approach to Remove Thick Cloud in VNIR Bands of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 1284; doi:10.3390/rs11111284

[27] Cheng Huang, Si-Bo Duan, Xiao-Guang Jiang, Xiao-Jing Han, Pei Leng, Mao-Fang Gao & ZL Li (2019) A physically based algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature under cloudy conditions from AMSR2 passive microwave measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40:5-6, 1828-1843, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1508920

[28] Cheng Huang, Si-Bo Duan, Xiao-Guang Jiang, Xiao-Jing Han, Hua Wu, Maofang Gao, Pei Leng, and ZL Li, ,2019, Intercomparison of AMSR2- and MODIS-Derived Land Surface Temperature Under Clear-Sky Conditions, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, VOL. 12, NO. 9, 3286-3294

[29] Chenguang Wang, Si-Bo Duan*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Hua Wu, Mao-Fang Gao & Pei Leng (2019) An alternative split-window algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40:5-6, 1640-1654, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1492180

[30] Si-Bo Duan, ZL Li*, Chenguang Wang, Shuting Zhang, Bo-Hui Tang, Pei Leng & Mao-Fang Gao (2019) Land-surface temperature retrieval from Landsat 8 single-channel thermal infrared data in combination with NCEP reanalysis data and ASTER GED product, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40:5-6, 1763-1778, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1460513

[31] Pei Leng, ZL Li, Si-Bo Duan, Mao-Fang Gao & Hong-Yuan Huo (2019) First results of all-weather soil moisture retrieval from an optical/thermal infrared remote sensing- based operational system in China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40:5-6, 2069-2086, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1468119

[32] Si-Bo Duan, ZL Li, Hua Wu, Pei Leng, Maofang Gao, Chenguang Wang, Radiance-based validation of land surface temperature products derived from Collection 6 MODIS thermal infrared data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2018. 70: p. 84-92.

[33] Pei Leng, ZL Li, Si-Bo Duan, Ronglin Tang, Mao-Fang Gao. (2017). A Method for Deriving All-Sky Evapotranspiration from the Synergistic Use of Remotely Sensed Images and Meteorological Data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (24): 13,263-13,277.

[34] Pei Leng, ZL Li, Si-Bo Duan, Mao-Fang Gao, Hong-Yuan Huo. A practical approach for deriving all-weather soil moisture content using combined satellite and meteorological data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2017, 131: 40-51.

[35] Hu Li, Ligang Wang*, Jianzheng Li, Maofang Gao, Jing Zhang, Jianfeng Zhang*, Jianjun Qiu, Jia Deng, Changsheng Li, Steve Frolking, The development of China-DNDC and review of its applications for sustaining Chinese agriculture, Ecological Modelling, Volume 348, 24 March 2017, Pages 1–13

[36] Zheng Zhao, Yubo Yue, Zhimin Sha, Changsheng Li, Jia Deng, Hanlin Zhang, Maofang Gao, Linkui Cao*, Assessing impacts of alternative fertilizer management practices on both nitrogen loading and greenhouse gas emissions in rice cultivation, Atmospheric Environment, 119 (2015) 393-401

[37] Maofang Gao, Jianjun Qiu*, Changsheng Li, Ligang Wang, Hu Li, Chunyu Gao, Modeling nitrogen loading from a watershed consisting of cropland and livestock farms in China using Manure-DNDC, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 185 (2014) 88– 98.

[38] Hu Li, Ligang Wang, Jianjun Qiu*, Changsheng Li, Maofang Gao, Chunyun Gao, Calibration of DNDC model for nitrate leaching from an intensively cultivated region of Northern China, Geoderma. 223-225 (2014) 108–118.

[39] Maofang Gao, Zhihao Qin*, Hong’ou Zhang, Liping Lu, Xia Zhou and Xiuchun Yang, Remote Sensing of Agro-droughts in Guangdong Province of China Using MODIS Satellite Data,  Sensors  2008,  8 , 4687-4708 DOI: 10.3390/s8084687.

[40] 李强,高懋芳*,方莹. 农业大数据信息平台构建方法初探[J]. 农业大数据学报, 2021, 03(02): 24-30.

[41] 狄艳,高懋芳*,李强,游炯,不同灌溉梯度下冬小麦冠层温度与土壤水分关系研究,中国农业信息,2021,33(2):13-23。

[42] 高雅,高懋芳*,王晓飞,黄硕,李石磊。基于TVDI与荧光的呼伦贝尔市干旱时空动态监测研究。中国农业信息 2019,31(01): 82-94。

[43] 高雅, 王晓飞, 高懋芳, 黄硕, 李石磊, & 冷佩 (2020). 基于温度植被干旱指数的曲靖市干旱监测研究. 中国农学通报, 36, 37-45

[44] 李任君,高懋芳*,李强,李百寿。基于ANUSPLIN的降水空间插值方法研究。中国农业信息 2019,31(01): 48-57。

[45] 沈兰芝,高懋芳*,闫敬文,姚艳敏。基于SVR和PLSR的土壤有机质高光谱估测模型研究。中国农业信息 2019,31(01): 58-71。

[46] 包阿茹汗,覃志豪,高懋芳,张晓煜,李红英。宁夏玉米和小麦干旱风险评价研究。中国农业资源与区划 2019,40(04): 70-84。

[47] 刘三超,高懋芳,灾害监测应急虚拟卫星星座及应用服务研究。航天器工程 2018,27(04): 127-134。

[48] 高春雨,高懋芳*,旱地测土配方施肥温室气体减排碳交易量核算,农业工程学报,2016,32(12):212-219。

[49] 高懋芳,邱建军,刘三超,刘宏斌,王立刚,逄焕成,基于文献计量的农业面源污染研究发展态势分析,中国农业科学,2014,47(6): 1140-1150。

[50] 付菊英,高懋芳*,王晓燕,生态工程技术在农业非点源污染控制中的应用,环境科学与技术,2014,37(5):169-175。

[51] 刘三超,汤童,高懋芳,林月冠,利用高分辨率遥感数据的芦山地震道路损毁快速评估,航天器工程,2014,23(4): 125-130.

[52] 高懋芳,邱建军,李长生,王立刚,李虎,高春雨,应用Manure-DNDC模型模拟畜禽养殖氮素污染,农业工程学报,2012,28(9):183-189。

[53] 刘三超,范一大,高懋芳,遥感数据在自然灾害救助中的应用,航天器工程,2012 (6): 136-141。

[54] 李虎,邱建军,王立刚,高春雨,高懋芳,(2012). 适应气候变化:中国农业面临的新挑战. 中国农业资源与区划(06): 23-28.

[55] 高懋芳,刘三超,邱建军,张虹鸥,周霞,基于遥感与GIS的西藏草原雪灾监测与评估,中国农业资源与区划,2011,32(6): 32-38。

[56] 高懋芳,邱建军,青藏高原主要自然灾害特点及分布规律研究,干旱区资源与环境,2011,25(8): 101-106。

[57] 高懋芳,邱建军,任天志,覃志豪. 全国农业生态指数遥感监测评价方法研究[J]. 中国农业资源与区划. 2010, 31(1): 60-67。

[58] 金云翔,徐斌,杨秀春,覃志豪,高懋芳,吕海燕,朱立博,青藏高原那曲地区冬虫夏草资源分布空间分析方法,生态学报,2010,30(6): 1532-1538。

[59] 刘三超,高懋芳,柳钦火,范一大,杨思全,高光谱数据反演大气水汽研究,遥感信息,2009.3,11-14。

[60] 郭晓丽,王立刚,邱建军,李金华,祝必琴,肖金香,高懋芳,(2009). 基于GIS的东北地区水稻低温冷害区划研究. 江西农业大学学报(03): 494-498.

[61] 高懋芳,张虹鸥,秦晓敏,覃志豪,周霞,杨秀春,2008,广东省农业旱灾遥感监测,国土资源遥感,77(3):94-99。

[62] 高懋芳,邱建军,刘三超,覃志豪,王立刚,2008,我国低温冷冻害的发生规律分析,中国生态农业学报,16(5),98-103。

[63] 李晶晶,覃志豪,高懋芳,林绿,2008,应用遥感、GIS对稻田生态系统健康程度的监测评价研究—以长江下游平原为例,生态环境,17(2):777-784。

[64] 高懋芳,覃志豪,徐斌,2007,用MODIS数据反演地表温度的基本参数估计方法,干旱区研究,24(1),113-119。

[65] 高懋芳,覃志豪,高明文,张彩枝,色布力马,2007,MODIS 数据反演地表温度的传感器视角校正研究,遥感技术与应用,22(3),431-437。

[66] 刘三超,柳钦火,高懋芳,刘强,2007,波谱响应函数和波宽对地表温度反演的影响,遥感信息,第5期,3-6。

[67] 刘三超,张万昌,高懋芳,柳钦火,2007,分布式水文模型结合遥感研究地表蒸散发,地理科学,27(3):354-358。

[68] 徐斌,陶伟国,杨秀春,覃志豪,高懋芳,2007,我国退牧还草工程重点县草原植被长势遥感监测,草业学报,16(5):13-21。

[69] 高懋芳,覃志豪,2006,中国MODIS地表温度产品验证分析,国土资源遥感,69(3): 15-18。

[70] 覃志豪,章力建,高懋芳,秦晓敏,邱建军, 2006, 遥感技术在农业立体污染防治中的应用. 国土资源遥感,67(1),1-5。

[71] 刘三超,柳钦火,高懋芳,2006,地基多波段遥感大气可降水量研究,国土资源遥感,70(4): 6-9。

[72] 刘三超,柳钦火,高懋芳,2006,利用Terra和Aqua双星MODIS数据协同研究沙尘暴,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),31(12): 1051-1054。

[73] 高懋芳,覃志豪,刘三超,2005,MODIS 数据在林火监测中的应用研究,国土资源遥感,64(2),60-63。

[74] 高懋芳,覃志豪,刘三超,2005,MODIS 数据反演地表温度的参数敏感性分析,遥感信息,第6期,3-6。

[75] 覃志豪,高懋芳,秦晓敏,李文娟,徐斌,2005,农业旱灾监测中的地表温度遥感反演方法—以MODIS数据为例,自然灾害学报,14(4),64-71。


1. 高懋芳,刘三超,基于多源数据的蒸散发与旱灾损失评估研究,中国农业科学技术出版社,北京,2018年11月,ISBN:978-7-5116-3812-0

2. 高懋芳,基于MODIS数据的中国地表温度反演,中国农业科学技术出版社,北京,7万字,2017年11月,ISBN:978-7-5116-3343-9

3. 高懋芳,刘莉,沟渠水生植物氮素去除潜力与影响因素研究,中国农业科学技术出版社,北京,8万字,2016年11月,ISBN:9787511628145

4. 刘三超,高懋芳,多源遥感反演大气水汽和地表温度研究,中国农业科学技术出版社,北京,15.6万字,2016年8月,ISBN:9787511626752

5. 高懋芳,流域尺度农业面源氮素污染模拟研究,中国农业科学技术出版社,北京,14万字,2015年8月,ISBN:9787511621481

6. 高懋芳,畜禽养殖与废弃物处理过程模拟,中国农业科学技术出版社,北京,3万字,2015年10月,ISBN:9787511622556












1. 沈兰芝,2017年入学硕士(客座)

2. 李任君,2017年入学硕士(客座)

3. 李石磊,2018年入学硕士,现已硕博连读

4. 李  强,2019年入学博士

5. 高  雅,2019年入学博士(客座)

6. 王祺智,2019年入学硕士

7. 王天丽,2019年入学硕士(客座)

8. 潘  倩,2019年入学硕士(客座)

9. 邓诗琴,2019年入学硕士(客座)

10. 张海天,2019年入学硕士(客座)

11. 狄  艳,2020年入学硕士

12. 水亚倩,2021年入学硕士(客座)




Email:gaomaofang@caas.cn, snower198@163.com
